August 16

Hops & Bolts

Hops & Bolts

I had the evening to myself and decided to cook up some excellent food. That also meant I needed some good beer to go with it. So I headed over to my local LCBO and picked out a few choice samples.

We’ll get to the rest later. For now I want to focus on the Hops & Bolts by Creemore Springs. I’m a fan of the Creemore Springs Brewery – but I was a tad bit skeptical of their bitter concoction.

On the label they claim it’s a

… a riveting beer that bolts the best components of a lager and ale to build an intriguingly bitter, yet malty, hopped up brew.

Has it lived up to that claim? I think so! I enjoyed this beer very much. From the can to the glass it was very pleasant. A nice sharp smell and lovely thick head finished the pour. Once in the glass it had a beautiful bright orange color too.

Finally, the taste. Whoa! It’s a nice beer. Very nice bitter and as they claimed – hoppy and malty. It also has a slight sweet texture to it and a nice bitter finish. Just the way I like it.

Would I recommend it? Hell Yah! Pick this one up at the LCBO for your next adventure. You won’t be disappointed!